

I’m Beth. My forever-love is writing. The graceful, honest, relevant kind. Good writing moves people. Enlightens them. Connects them. Changes their minds and hearts in significant ways.

That’s why, after decades in the agency business, I formed Beth.LLC, a communications practice focused on mission-critical writing. I help smart, socially responsible organizations advance their goals through sound, research-informed business thinking; creative problem-solving; meaningful connections; and (ultimately) brilliant, insightful prose. Prose that tell stories, build brands and strengthen relationships.

You may be interested to know, Beth.‘s work with global brands and small- and mid-sized innovators has produced stunning results for clients and has been repeatedly recognized on the national stage.

I encourage you to ask people who have worked with me what they think. Or better yet, let’s meet!


Word Stock.

We’re always adding new words to our lexicon. I often think we oughtn’t. New entries to the Oxford English Dictionary last year included “simples,” “chillax,” and “whatevs.” I’ll rest my case there. OK, of course, some additions are probably necessary. This year, a bundle have been added around the language of Covid-19 alone. (Or as AP would […]

Write nice, please.

Tell me: What did “unique,” “narrative,” “solution,” “dialogue,” “world-class” or “state-of-the-art” ever do to you, corporate America? Why abuse them so much and then grow to hate them and forbid them re-entry into our lexicon? And why have we all embraced this idea of turning perfectly good words into annoying nonwords, like “so” at the […]

Why “Content” must die.

Let’s be honest. We’ve just been piling it on, haven’t we? Often with zero regard for our intended audiences. “Content,” like “quality,” has lost its meaning. Our overuse of the term – and our abuse of the discipline – has made it a tired and meaningless conceit. Content, for the sake of content, should never […]