Bear vs. Bare.

I’m going to assume everyone knows the large, furry mammal is a “bear” and when a woman wears a tank top, her arms are “bare.” But after that, a person can get confused. “Bear” can mean “to carry the weight of or support, take responsibility for” or “to endure (an ordeal or difficulty),” according to […]

Write nice, please.

Tell me: What did “unique,” “narrative,” “solution,” “dialogue,” “world-class” or “state-of-the-art” ever do to you, corporate America? Why abuse them so much and then grow to hate them and forbid them re-entry into our lexicon? And why have we all embraced this idea of turning perfectly good words into annoying nonwords, like “so” at the […]

Through a Community Leader’s Lens

What a thrill to learn about my hometown through the experiences and perspectives of four iconic community leaders. My words are mostly their words because their words were exquisite . . . honest, heart-felt, sometimes poignant . . . always just-right. They spoke with the grace and down-home modesty of their city — despite their […]

The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson

What makes this biography about Churchill so interesting is that it focuses on the man (as opposed to the WWII Prime Minister of England) in all his humanity … his quirks and imperfections, his work, his play, his family, friends and enemies … for a short period of the war. And the story is told […]

“What do I believe in?”

“What must I fight for and what must I fight against?” Not my words. They’re Steinbeck’s. I’m so happy to be reading East of Eden finally. I have only read one Steinbeck novel and it is one of my absolute favorites. Of course, that was Grapes of Wrath. What an incredible read. Why it’s taken this […]

I Heart Health Care!

Proud of this recent work I did with UPMC’s Cancer Center team in Pittsburgh. Equally proud of the global case studies I developed for UPMC International.


If I must write, and I must, why not a blog? It’s what all the self-absorbed are doing now. And I need the writing practice. Vince Lombardi supposedly said something to the effect that “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.”  I’ll shoot for that.  Now, there’s some pressure. Unlike most bloggers, […]

What I’m Reading

Frightening, maddening… but a fascinating must-read. The history of terrorism, terrorists, and anti-terrorism efforts interwoven with religion, politics and the pursuit of power. Strong suggestion 911 could have been avoided if CIA and FBI cooperated.